So… What Now?

“What now?” Sometimes this can be a scary question. It’s also something that is often times asked after completing a large task, or even after binging a long tv series. For me, the question applies to school.

I now have a bachelor’s degree in illustration with emphasis on children’s books, and I’ve moved back home with my family. So… what am I supposed to do now? Thankfully, the answer to that question isn’t a simple “I don’t know.”

Children’s book illustration is a very exciting route for me to take, as well as writing books of my own. However, it’s not going to stabilize me financially, regardless of how badly I want it to. That’s where plan B comes in! After careful consideration and research, as well as seeking advice from people around me, I’ve decided that I’m going to pursue teaching; specifically elementary school level.

But before I do that, I plan on taking a brief break from college. From there, I’ll begin seeking out job experience that will get me working with kids and other teachers, that way I’ll be more prepared to work towards my credentials. Once I gain experience, it’s time to work towards my teaching credentials! I feel as though this will be a productive career that will have a more stable income than free lance art, but it will also allow me to benefit future generations through the importance of learning.

For now, I’m going to utilize my time off in order to work on personal projects, such as art and music. Stay tuned for more coming soon!