Year of the Silly – Bandages on the Bad Bruises

The start of 2023 looked bright. I was absolutely determined to do great things and really flourish with my ideas and projects! Through the start of this year, that’s exactly what happened! However… it’s clear by this point that something happened.

There have been a lot of things making it harder for me to keep up with my artistic passion, as well as my strive for success. While I started out this year running, it’s clear that I’ve fallen hard in this current moment. I want that to change. I really want to get back up again and keep trying! The Silly Cinematic Universe for example, is an ongoing project that I still plan on finishing, even if my motivational drive has been vanishing then suddenly reappearing. This also goes for other artistic projects, including my music.

My mental state and emotional state has been sort of in a strange game of limbo. Due to lots of personal things happening, I’ve been finding it harder to remind myself that there’s still a lot of reasons I should be happy. I know I can get out of this, but I can’t force myself to just “feel better.”

Hang in there, because I’m not stopping just yet! Below is a song I currently feel like describes what exactly I’ve been feeling as of my recent absence.