Year of the Silly

2022 is coming to a bittersweet end. There were lots of good and bad experiences, and now it’s time for me to look back on everything and come up with ways to be better next year.

Any New Year’s Resolutions from my readers? Comment below!

RayTay’s Resolutions

-Make more art!

This resolution has been on the list for a few years now. I always want more time to create art, but I don’t always find or arrange time to do so. Another part of this resolution is going to focus on making more original art, too. Fan art is fun and easy, but that’s not what my artist reputation should be solely built off of. I want to create more unique things involving some of the original characters I’ve made, whether they be from this year or even all the way back in high school.

-Focus! Make ideas and passion projects happen.

This resolution is going to make or break me as an artist and as a person. I have so many ideas for things I’d like to do, but I never tend to see the end result of them. Sometimes I think “Nobody is going to like this” so I scrap the idea. Or, other times, I start to work on something and then move onto something else that seems like a better, more relevant project. Then neither of them get finished. I really want to break this habit and see things come to life, which includes the continuation (and hopefully completion) of Toy Chest and The Silly Cinematic Universe project.

-Keep working out.

This one is pretty simple. I want to keep working out so I can stay active. I’m also trying to improve my figure.

-Give myself a chance.

This resolution is really important to me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always tried to be a nice, fun kind of person. I love to make conversation with people and I always want to make new friends so we can do fun things together. I open up to people very quickly and I try to do a lot in order to make them happy. I tell lame jokes, I invite people to places, and I basically give my heart away to everyone.

I don’t hope for the world in return from everyone, but I usually don’t get anything back at all. In 2023, I don’t want that to matter. I want to stop relying on others for my happiness. I want to quit being hung up on people because they leave me on seen or won’t text me back. I don’t want to worry about whether or not they like me or that they went out with others and had fun without me. I need to give myself a chance. 2023 is going to be an important year for me to make sure I take care of myself before other people, and really try to stop being sad about lots of things.