College Grad Show – The Aftermath

The Summer Graduation Show was an absolute success! Everyone had wonderful displays for the show throughout the gallery. Celebrating success with my classmates felt extremely fulfilling, and we all had a really great time at the opening night.

Hearing people talk about my art was very heart warming, and it made me feel like I’ve really achieved success from the three years that I’ve been in art school. A lot of my professors who attended also had great things to say to me. The Grad Show is going to be a core memory of college for me, and I already miss that night a lot just from having such a great experience.

Looking back at my previous post about the Grad Show, it’s really interesting to see what pieces made it into the show versus the pieces that I had originally intended to put in. I went through a lot of change, challenges, and adjustments throughout the process of preparing for the show, but it was all worth it for the final result.

Below are photos of my display at the show, followed by my first ever batch of stickers that were also given out at the show. “Silly Face” and “Stephen” will be up for purchase in my shop! (Coming soon) As for the purple sticker, that’s my first limited edition sticker “Class of 2022”. Cheers to whoever picked up a sticker or two from me. Congratulations to the awesome Class of 2022, and stay weird RMCAD!