Summer Reflection

The end of summer is coming up fast, which is really hard to believe! Seeing as it’s now August of 2023, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my successes and failures so far.

Good Things!

At the start of 2023, I had a really good start when it came to making new art and having lots of fun things to make. It kept me busy and it felt fun to be standing at my easel or sitting at my desk in order to make things. Other things to be proud of include the release of my first sticker and my art being featured in the San Marcos Parks and Recreation center’s Rotating Gallery space! So far, I’ve done some good things!

Not So Good Things…

There’s always going to be good and bad things. Over the summer season, I became very unmotivated and found myself struggling to produce art, let alone new and creative ideas at all. I also fell into the social media trap, feeling like I was addicted to the like and comment system, craving the social attention and interaction of others, then comparing my lack of success to others. That’s not something that’s going to help me see success.

My first art show at the rotating gallery space didn’t exactly go as planned, either. When I went to see the display, I saw that one of my pieces hadn’t been hung due to a framing/wiring complication, even though I had already fixed the issue prior. Also, my business cards weren’t being passed out at the show, which is what I would have hoped for when I left a good amount at the center.

Too many personal projects! There’s plenty of projects I’m still working on, but I’m constantly jumping between working on different ones in order to finish them. It’s a habit I either need to break or work with, because I have lots of things I want to see finished!

Now What?

Once again, ‘Year of the Silly’ has had its difficulties, but I can’t let that stop me from seeing success in the future. I need to keep trying, push a little harder, and really work for what I want as an artist. It’s not too late, after all. I can still do this!