I <3 Scream

For anyone who knows me personally or has seen some of my recent art, it should be no surprise that I’m a huge fan of the Scream Franchise. I have the first five movies on DVD and I’m super excited to see #6 in theaters next year. I also have about five Ghostface t-shirts and a pair of pajama pants. Yes! I love those movies. For this post, however, there’s a specific movie I want to talk about in relation to not only my admiration for it, but also in the artist form/perspective. That movie is “Scream: Legacy” 2022.

Scream Legacy is a fan made film that’s available to watch on Youtube.


Personal Opinions

First I’d like to get my personal opinions out of the way. I don’t have any critiques, I just love this movie! Upon seeing it for the first time, I almost couldn’t believe it was a fan film. The entirety felt like it could be a whole canon part of the franchise!

Artist Perspective

As a traditional children’s book artist, I can’t say much on cinematography and the creation/production of films. I don’t want to be the person that looks at a movie and thinks “I could do that better.” In regards to Scream Legacy, there’s nothing that they didn’t absolutely nail!

First off, the camera work felt like a real production film, and not just a simple passion project. Even the music and sound effects were spot on. What’s even better is that the movie’s effects stuck to what Scream does best: the ridiculous slashing sound every time a knife is on screen. Hearing that in Legacy made me think that the attention to detail was definitely done right.

The acting was great from everyone in the movie. There wasn’t a single moment where I felt like the production slipped up, and they even got the actions right like in the original films! Ghostface has a noticeable way of killing off certain victims, and it was executed perfectly in Legacy.

When looking at a movie like Legacy, there’s so many good things to say about it! That’s something I love about movies like this: you can see the movie and think “Yeah, I liked that.” A small part of seeing a good movie is simply enjoying it, but when you get into the artist, author, or other creative perspective, suddenly there’s much more to admire.

This can go for the atmosphere of a movie. How did scenes make you feel? How did you react to the environments? Depending on where the movie was shot, it can sometimes make you think “I’d like to visit that place!”

Another example can be within characters, whether it be personality or even character growth/development. Why do you like certain characters? How did your opinion change upon seeing one you had a set judgement for in the beginning versus the end?

The use of creative writing and visuals can absolutely make or break a movie, and Scream Legacy certainly makes itself known. I absolutely adore this movie, and would highly recommend giving it a watch! However, it’s best to see the other five in the series before watching this one due to Legacy following the canon timeline established throughout the franchise.