Fruits of Labor

Patience is an important thing to practice. But when that patience is tested by the world around us, it gets a little harder to keep yourself steady. More often than not, I tend to have an extreme amount of patience for everyday occurrences in life. As an artist, however, I can’t always say the same thing.

Patience as an artist can be difficult due to the desire to be bigger, better, or even the best. More followers, more likes than someone else on your latest post, or even foot traffic into your shop. It all sounds so enticing and extravagant, that is until you see how much work really goes into getting that far.

Lately, I’ve been trying to see things from a different perspective. With my 2023 resolutions in mind, it’s more important than ever for me to focus on becoming the successful artist I strive to be. Although the process has felt slow and unforgiving, the discouragement I began to felt immediately vanished when I received this email.

The news still feels unreal to me, but it’s finally happened! A single fruit of my labor has bloomed, and I’m so grateful for it. Being able to say “I’ve got my first gallery space” feels absolutely amazing. I plan on selling coloring sheets and possibly stickers. and business cards will be up for grabs. If you’re in the San Diego area during July/August of this year, be on the look out for details when RayTayArt appears in a gallery space!