A Deep Sea Drawing Concept

During the process of my previous painting (No Pickles!) I began to feel that rendering out the wavy tentacles of Stephen’s arms was a lot of fun! Painting the curves and adding more of them to fill the composition was very enjoyable for me, so it got me thinking about something else I could make.

My thought process immediately went to a giant octopus. I figured I could make a fun composition with tons of arms all over my canvas to fill in space. That’s when the other key idea hit me. Out of nowhere I began to think “This giant octopus should have a bunch of arms so he can hold and play with tons of toys.”

This sort of concept would never cross my mind in a realistic sense, but it seems fitting in the perspective of my creative drive. What would happen if kids accidentally dropped their toys in the ocean? Did they fall from a boat or get left along the shoreline at the beach? Where do the toys go? I like to imagine that the answer is what this new concept describes; the toys eventually sink down into the deep sea, where they are loved and played with by aquatic life.