Band Appreciation – Ghost

One of my favorite bands of lately is Ghost. I’ve fallen head over heels for their music! It’s too hard to choose a favorite song, but some of my top choices are “Dance Macabre” and “Mary on a Cross.”

I remember when I first discovered Ghost back in community college. I had heard Dance Macabre on the radio and really liked it, but for some reason, I never bothered to look more into the band. Three years later I see that Ghost is trending on Tiktok. This trend made me dive headfirst into what’s now an earworm and musical obsession for me.

For a good part of my life, I’ve been a rock fan. Nothing beats the older classics such as ACDC and Led Zeppelin, but there’s plenty of artists from different generations that I can really get behind. Something else I really like about Ghost, aside from their music, is their overall aesthetic. If you were to view them without context, you’d probably see Ghost as wildly different.

Due to the band’s style choice, they remind me a lot of KISS. The band’s appearance is way different than the music. There’s something funny and ironic that I love about bands doing that sort of thing, especially when people unfamiliar with the bands express their confusion.

What’s really too bad though, is that nobody I know is familiar with Ghost. For any rock fans reading this, give Ghost a listen!