What’s New Silly-doo?

Some minor adjustments have been made to RayTayArt.com, followed by the addition of new art in my Traditional Gallery, Digital Gallery, and Scratches + Scribbles.

I’ve reorganized the Traditional Gallery display a little bit, so more of my recent art can be seen closer to the top of the page. Also, the tab to access galleries has changed! You will now see “Art Galleries” instead of “Traditional Gallery” to view any art.

Silly Cinematic Universe – Update

As of my previous blog post, the SCU is still being worked on and developed! Finding movie posters to parody has been a little bit more challenging than I thought! As of now, there are 4 out of 10 on the list. Once the list is completed and all posters are made, I’ll post them to my traditional gallery. Until then, stay tuned for more fun!