Silly’s Cinematic Universe

If you’re reading this post, chances are you may be familiar with Silly. If not, then you can read about him here!

Often times, I make characters that represent me in different ways, such as physical appearance, personality traits, or other thoughts and ideas. I’ve also done the same for people I’m close to, such as Sky. However, Silly has become the most well received character of mine, which is a big part of why he’s the mascot for RayTayArt.

I want my art to amuse people and bring them joy. When people smile and even laugh at the kinds of art I produce, that makes me feel amazing! There’s very few things that warm my heart in the way that those reactions do. With that perspective in mind, I’d like to introduce a new series of pieces I’ll be making: The Silly Cinematic Universe.

In reference to “Silly-Zilla” yes, it’s somehow confirmed that somewhere in a universe, there’s a Godzilla sized Silly. But why stop there? In this new series, I’m going to be parodying movie posters by adding Silly and altering the titles in order to include his name. The current goal is to parody 10 posters, starting with King Kong!

As of this post, I’m still looking around and doing research on which posters I’ll be parodying. Once the list is complete, I’ll release it here in Silly’s Diary. Stay tuned for more updates on the SCU!