Where have I been?

Hello everyone! Boy oh boy, do I have some explaining to do. Where did I run off to after releasing my first song? Well…

Quite a few things have happened since I released LYLH. Since the release of my first single, I got a job working at the before and after school program for a local elementary school. With that in mind, I quickly became very busy with the new job. There’s been a lot of training I’ve had to do, as well as busy shifts during the week. I also work at a fish market on Saturdays, so my schedule has become very packed due to both jobs.

However, that’s just one reason for my sudden disappearance. Earlier this month, I fell into yet another depressive episode and lost all motivation to draw, let alone create anything. (including music) It’s not unusual for me to have these sorts of episodes, due to the fact that I overthink a lot of situations and tend to exaggerate how bad things truly are. I’ve also been known to be the sensitive type, who’s feelings could crumble at the slightest bad tone or small insult.

Never in my worst nightmares did I think I’d grow up to be the one who profusely apologizes for everything they say or do, overthinks, and cries over simple things that can be easily fixed. But such is the way of life, and life just isn’t fair. Speaking of fair, the final reason for my absence is due to the fact that I happened to get sick over this weekend. It’s pretty upsetting to be sick right before your favorite holiday!

As of this post, things are going to be a little bit different. Due to recent events, I’m going to be a lot less active on my personal social media accounts, and more active within Silly’s Diary instead, followed by my art oriented social media accounts. My career as an artist is important to me, and lately I haven’t been treating it with the respect it deserves.

There will also be a new addition to Silly’s Diary. Normally I try to post solely about art related topics here. From now on, Silly’s Diary will be a mix of personal posts and art related posts in order for viewers to become more familiar with who I am not only as RayTayArt, but as Rachel too. Look for the categories so you can always see what kind of posts I’ll be making!