Goodbye Cold Colorado, Hello Sunny San Diego

San Diego has welcomed me back home with nothing more generous than a massive heat wave. After living in Colorado for 3 years while attending college, I really became attached to the state and the area I lived in.

The rain and snow always excited me no matter what. Getting snowed in and scraping ice off of my windshield never bothered me to the point where I thought “I’m over it”. Nothing could ever change my optimism throughout my time being there.

After packing up two cars worth of my furniture among other belongings, my parents and I drove over the course of two days before we finally returned to the place where I grew up; Sunny San Diego. Ironically enough, I always loved colder and darker weather versus the warm sun at home. I could even give up the beach just to live in Colorado again. Maybe someday I’ll move back there. But for now, I remain home.